
Holiday Designs

Cards, gift tags, ornaments and more!

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Handmade Cards

Our favorite products are our handmade cards. Fun, pretty, unique and for all occasions.

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Custom Orders

Need something custom? Let me know!

  • Ornaments
  • Holiday Cards
  • Gift Tags
  • Invitations
Contact Me

Keeping Busy…

Busy Bre Design is my fun side hobby, I love to design and create beautiful things. Always looking to get a little messy, my projects tend to be fun, bright and colorful. I find inspiration from many other wonderful artists and from my three kiddos.

I enjoy handlettering and calligraphy, although I do have to get creative sometimes as a left handed artist. I do a lot of digital design (no risk of lefty smudges that way!) but I still like to add a handmade touch to everything I print.

Watercolor is one of my favorite mediums to work in. It’s so unpredictable, delicate and beautiful.

I am always learning new things, trying out new techniques and (too often) testing out a new media. My latest adventure is screen printing.

Email me at [email protected] with any questions or let me know if you are looking for something you don’t see on here, I’m always open to a challenge.




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